Northville Paver Maintenance & Repair Project Background

PMS just finished up another project in Northville, Michigan, one of our favorite areas to work ever since we started in the paver maintenance and repair business.
Northville has everything you need, like a big city, but has a rural feel. This paver repair and maintenance project in Northville had plenty of issues. All the pavers were over-sealed and the brick paver patio walls were failing. After further review, it had been sealed six times in eight years. PMS recommends you seal your pavers every 5 to 7 years. So, this project was way over-sealed. It was peeling, over-coated, and possibly had the wrong products applied to it.
Northville Paver Maintenance and Repair Process
PMS’s first step was to chemically remove the resin and sealer from all the pavers on site. We did this first so that the repair crew could do their job without having to chisel all the paver’s sand joints on the brick, which would make it much more labor intensive. We spent three days ripping down the patio and rebuilding it with Geo tie and proper drainage. PMS then came back to rinse down the project after the repair was finished.
Next, we came back to the Northville property the following day to sweep all the joints with the fine dry kiln screened sand. This sand is very clean and fine enough to fill all the voids. Next we applied our satin semi-gloss sealer, our most popular sealer type P. This brings back the color of the pavers and locks the sand in place without making it look plasticized or fake like stamped concrete without making the surface slippery.
Northville Paver Maintenance and Repair
Our clients in Northville are pleased that they chose us and know that their brick paver maintenance and repair project will last.
Thank you to our Northville, Michigan clients who choose our brick paver company and have consistently chosen our company over the last two decades.
For more information on Northville brick paving services from PMS, the #1 hard surface restoration company in Michigan, request a free brick paver repair and maintenance quote.